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About E.P. Cutler

E. P. Cutler is a New York Times best-selling fashion author and historian, who likes to deep-dive into rare, archival material and re-introduce "lost" information unavailable digitally. She continually tries to marry the attention-grabbing, accessible writing of fashion journalism with the theory-filled, content-rich work of fashion academia.

Her latest book Art + Fashion: Collaborations and Connections Between Icons with Julien Tomasello, published by Chronicle Books, is currently available for sale in 23 countries.

She co-authored PANTONE on Fashion: A Century of Color in Design with Leatrice Eiseman, a New York Times fashion best-seller, which has been translated into Italian and Korean.

She was the Archival Researcher on the film, Diana Vreeland: The Eye Has To Travel, which premiered at the Venice Film Festival and was called "dizzingly enjoyable" by The New York Times.

With over a decade of experience as an internationally-published fashion journalist, her work has covered up-and-coming designers and industry heavy-hitters. It has ranged from fashion and style trends for the season to financial trends for the fiscal side of fashion.

She received her undergraduate degree from Clark University and her Master of Arts in Fashion Studies from Parsons The New School for Design. She lives in Paris, and is working on her first biography.